d sWeetY cHubBy

d sWeetY cHubBy

welcome 2 my bloG....

This blog is my mirror..
It represents my purpose and my passion,
I juz need to share all of my experience, what in my mind, all i want, all I need, and everything about me..
May be it can be my diary,
also my thankful book,
my reminder and my heart alarm,
and many more.

so juZ read it and teLL me what do you thinK about me..............


Saturday, September 4, 2010

my nu life

everything is new...
i have a new life in a dream city (for almost people in my country because i never had a dream dat i would live here), a very big city,, the center of activitiea in my country..
i work in a research agency by government, without any test, i could enter to this office easily,,
i enjoy it although sometimes i didn't satisfied with my salary (too honest ya??), actually it's enough for my life here and I can save it too, but i always see my friends dat works in other office dat get more n more than me..jealous,,a very bad things dat sometimes i felt,,

but i realise something,,God placed me here, i'm sure dat He has a very beautiful plan to me,, He know my future,, he will give me a very bright future. Amin.
i don't know i'll still work here or not, but whatever happened to me, i believe dat He never leave me.. He'll always beside me even inside me to give me strength, so i won't give up easily..
I believe Him,,everything in my life is in His plan...

Thanks God for Your grace,,for my new life,,for everything dat You give to me..
I believe dat it's d best from You...
i'll always love You, God...